Channel: Allah (God)
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How shall we tell our children about Allah?

A Brief Description of the Question:  Salem Oualikoum, I have a question from my 6 years old daughter which I can't answer with clear words. My daughter is very curious and she tries to understand who...

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What is the sincere repentance (tawbah nasuh)?

A Brief Description of the Question:  God Almighty declares in the surah At-Tahrím (Holding (Something) to be Forbidden) in the eighth verse: “O ye who believe! Turn to Allah with sincere repentance:...

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Does Allah forgive someone who doesn't forgive others?

A Brief Description of the Question:  Does Allah forgive someone who doesn't forgive others? The Answer: Forgiving and forgetting what other people did is a virtue.However,the holder of a right may...

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Why does he refer to himself as "We" while there is only one God?

A Brief Description of the Question:  Why does he refer to himself as "We" while there is only one God? The Answer:  Let us mention a point first: In the Qur'an, Allah does not always address Himself...

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If Allah refers to himself as "He" then doesn't that mean he is just a being ?

A Brief Description of the Question:  If Allah refers to himself as "He" then doesn't that mean he is just a being ? The Answer: According to the context, the pronoun of the third person singular“Huwa”...

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Will the dwellers of Paradise see God (ru'yat)? What is the view of Islamic...

A Brief Description of the Question:  Will the dwellers of Paradise see God (ru'yat)? What is the view of Islamic scholars about Ru'yat? The Answer: Man, who is benefiting from this universe created by...

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How can Allah, Who is Absolute One, know and do everything at the same time?

A Brief Description of the Question:  How does Allah know everything like when we pray, fast, learn etc.The Answer: Representation is an important law in the universe. It is the reflection of a being...

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Allah (SWT) has created all creatures. Then who created Allah (SWT)?

A Brief Description of the Question:  If Allah is the god, then How he became the god? *I ask questions on behalf of some of my non-muslim friends.. so i request you to reply in a way that they may...

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How Muslims started believing in Allah?

A Brief Description of the Question:  How muslims started believing in Allah? is it because everything going on in world matched to the fate written by him? * i ask questions on behalf of some of my...

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Did Prophet (PBUH) see Allah? If yes, why did not he explain about him to...

A Brief Description of the Question:  Did Prophet (PBUH) see Allah? If yes, why did not he explain about him to people? * I ask questions on behalf of some of my non-muslim friends.. So i request you...

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Is it possible to imagine an Appearance, Shape and Colour for Allah?

A Brief Description of the Question:  Why there is no shape of Allah?The Answer: Allah is munazzah (freed) from attributes such as appearance, shape and colour. So also according to the meaning of the...

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is there a kursi(chair) for God. some people say that god is sitting on his...

A Brief Description of the Question:  is there a kursi(chair) for God. some people say that god is sitting on his kursi by taking the reference of aaitul kursi. The Answer: This question was answered...

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What are the proofs of Gods existence?

A Brief Description of the Question:  Since when talking about God we are not dealing with a physical thing, His existence cannot be proved, neither can it be denied. To believe in God, one has to have...

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How can I answer the foolish claims of non-Muslims about Allah?

A Brief Description of the Question:  I'm a Muslim. I was giving answers to queries of non-Muslims on Yahoo Answers! A guy had written about Allah that: "Allah” was the biblical God or a...

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A Brief Description of the Question:  One of my friend drom ındia ask me why we sacrifice animals,is it brutality?Does Allah need it?"How can I answer?Thanks... The Answer: Sacrifice (Qurban) means to...

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